Category: Uncategorized

10 Nov 2021

Thanksgiving Product Availability

Thanksgiving Product Availability

We’re proud to offer generatively grown vegetables and pasture raised meats to your family all year long, but especially around the holidays. Even if you haven’t pre-ordered a Thanksgiving turkey, you’re welcome to place a pre-order for Thanksgiving week.

Send us an email with your pre-order:

Pre-orders must be received by 5pm on Friday, November 22


Thanksgiving Week Farm Market Hours:
Monday November 25: 9am – 6pm
Tuesday November 26: 9am – 6pm
Wednesday November 27: 9am – 3pm

Items on this page will be available the week of Thanksgiving. We will also have items available for in-store shopping that are not on this list, as they become available.

Asian Greens

$6 per 1/2lb bag

Baby Kale

$6 per 1/2lb bag

Red Beets




Curly Kale

$4 per 1/2lb bunch

Herb Bundle

$5 each
A generous bunch of rosemary, thyme, and sage

Lettuce Mix

$6 per 1/2lb bag


$3 per bunch

Rainbow Chard

$3 per 1/2lb bunch

Red Radish



$6 per 1/2lb bag

Sweet Potatoes

Please specify quantity and size preference

White Salad Turnips

Tender and mild, good raw or cooked

Pea Shoot Microgreens

$4 per box

Power Mix Microgreens

$4 per box

Spicy Mix Microgreens

$4 per box

Arugula Microgreens

$4 per box

Radish Microgreens

$4 per box

Butternut Squash



See our daily availability page for cuts and pricing

100% grassfed, grass finished beef, pasture raised Berkshire pork, pasture raised chicken

02 Nov 2021

2024 Turkey Order Confirmation

2024 Turkey Order Confirmation

Thank you for your Thanksgiving pre-order!

As we get closer to Thanksgiving, we’ll have a variety of additional items available for pre-order, including beef, chicken, pork, eggs, vegetables, and flowers. You can prepay for quick and convenient pickup, or shop in-store when you collect your turkey. We’ll also reach out with details about the order pickup process as the holiday approaches. For any questions about the process or our turkeys, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions below. section below.


What is your process for filling turkey orders?

Turkeys and pickup times are offered to customers in the order in which we received your pre-order.

Can I pickup my turkey early?

We do not have any fresh turkeys available before November 25th as they are processed as close to Thanksgiving as possible.

What about vegetables, flowers, eggs, and other meats?

We will have a wide assortment of vegetables and meats available for your feast! Sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, greens, fresh herbs and more, as well as fresh flower bouquets and pasture raised eggs. In mid-November we will email you a list of everything we will have available, with the option to pre-order.

What can I expect at pickup?

We will reach out closer to the holiday to coordinate your pickup time with you you. When it is your pickup time and you arrive at the Farmstore, you will be greeted by a Greenacres staff member. They will retrieve your turkey and any other pre-ordered items, and assist you with checkout. We accept cash and credit card. The Farmstore will also be open for in-person shopping, with our full selection of 100% grassfed beef, pastured pork, chicken, eggs, vegetables and flowers. Curbside-only pickup is available, just let a staff member know when you arrive. Please keep in mind this process may change, and we will let you know via email of any changes.

I see feathers on my turkey, is this normal?

The turkey you typically buy at the grocery store has been bred to have white feathers, a genetic trait selected so feathers aren’t as visible after defeathering. These type of selective breeding practices can come at the expense of overall turkey health and flavor. Choosing turkeys with genetic traits closer to their wild ancestors means that our turkeys will have bronze feathers, but are better suited to thrive outdoors and have great flavor. These bronze feathers may occasionally be visible on the turkey you bring home – simply remove before cooking.

Do I need to prepare this turkey any differently because it’s fresh and pasture raised?

Nope! Your turkey will be fresh, so no thawing is necessary. Prepare as you would any other turkey (but it’s going to taste better!). For basic oven roasting, plan on 13 minutes per pound at 350º, until the thickest portion reaches an internal temperature of 165º

What if I need to cancel or change my order?

We do our best to accommodate these situations, but please keep in mind that changes may not be possible. Please get in touch with us so we can find the best solution for you. If you need to cancel, let us know ASAP so we can offer your turkey to another customer, and we will refund your deposit.

Getting to the Farmstore

The Farmstore is located in Indian Hill. Look for a white ranch style building and a sign that says “Greenacres Farm Store”. If you get lost, please call 513-891-4227 and press 1.

8255 Spooky Hollow Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Click here to get directions

Contact Us

Phone: 513-891-4227 press 1


8255 Spooky Hollow Rd

Cincinnati, OH 45242

22 Sep 2021

Michaela Farm Product Availability

Michaela Farm Product Availability

Store Hours:

Monday – Sunday: 8 am – 6 pm

Pricing is available in-store. 


Pasture Raised Eggs are available in the Farmstore.
If you want to learn more about our mobile chicken coop, click here to see a video!

Fresh Vegetables & Herbs

  • Acorn Squash
  • Beets without tops
  • Butternut Squash
  • Garlic

Dried Herbs & Peppers

  • Chives 
  • Cutting Celery
  • Dill
  • Fennel Seed
  • Lavender
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Savory
  • Spearmint
  • Sweet Basil
  • Thai Basil 
  • Cayenne Peppers
16 Feb 2021

Emily Pickett – Saturday Stream Snapshot Organizer

Emily Pickett – Saturday Stream Snapshot Organizer

Emily has been an Environment Educator at Greenacres since 2019. She took over Saturday Stream Snapshot in 2020 after participating in the program many times herself. She has been working on building awareness of the efforts to protect the watershed ever since.

Why is it important for people to get involved with programs like Saturday Stream Snapshot?

Protecting the water quality of our rivers and streams is incredibly important for both human health and the health of the plants and animals that make the watershed their home. Clean water is one of the most important resources on the planet! There are just too many bodies of water for one person or organization to protect, so we are absolutely dependent on our volunteers to make sure we are doing our part.

What is your favorite part of the program?

I love working with our volunteers who are passionate about caring for the environment. Even though we all have different backgrounds we are all coming together over this shared goal. The time spent running chemical tests is a great opportunity to get know and learn from each other.

What are you looking forward to with the program this year?

Watching the program grow with the support of our volunteers! The pandemic really slowed down our efforts in 2020 as we worked on a plan to resume the program safely. We’re fortunate enough to have plenty of room to spread out and I’m looking forward to getting samples collected and tested again.


Emily will be leading a Virtual Kickoff and Training session on February 20 for those interested in volunteering this year. You can sign up to attend here.