Grade: 6th

25 Feb 2022

Performing Arts in Action


Within us all, there is a creative spark waiting to be ignited. Join us at the Greenacres Arts Center to explore the performing arts. Some types of performances come from scripts or musical scores written, while others come from your own minds! This program is easily customizable for 6th, 7th, or 8th grade arts and core standards.

Fine Arts Standards:

  • MU.6.2PR Play a variety of classroom instruments, independently or collaboratively, with increasingly complex rhythms and melodic phrases. 
  • MU. Improvise, compose and arrange music.
  • TH.7.2CE Compare and contrast the basic principles and elements of various theatrical styles (e.g., comedy, drama, tragedy and farce).
  • TH.6.3PR Construct an alternate ending for a scripted or improvised dramatic piece that engages audiences. 
  • TH.8.6RE Use constructive feedback to refine and improve their acting, improvisational or playwriting skills.


comedy, drama, tragedy, farce, entertainment, play, improvise

25 Feb 2022

The Artist’s Tool Box


Just as a scientist applies the scientific method to conduct experiments, artists utilize the 5 step creative process: preparation, incubation, illumination, evaluation, and verification. Work your way through the creative process and how to develop your own skills through the arts at Greenacres. We will create a work of art based on a theme or topic, which could be customized to content relevant to your classroom or your school community. This program is easily customizable for 6th, 7th, or 8th grade arts and core standards.

All multigrade program offerings will be supported by grade-level appropriate standards, available to share upon request.

Fine Arts Standards:

  • TH.6.5CE Compare and contrast the creative processes of other art forms (e.g., dance, music, visual and media arts) to those of drama and theatre.
  • MU.6.6RE Explain and apply skills developed in music (e.g., critical thinking, collaboration) to other disciplines.
  • VA.7.2PR Manipulate materials, tools and techno

Ohio Social Studies Standards:

  • SS.Gov.7 Analyzing individual and group perspectives is essential to understanding historic and contemporary issues. Opportunities for civic engagement exist for students to connect real-world issues and events to classroom learning.



    scientific method, creative process, preparation, incubation, illumination, evaluation, verification

    25 Feb 2022

    Entertainment and Expression


    Art and music have an important and long-lasting relationship with entertainment. Join us as we explore the many ways that art and music cross disciplines. This program places a strong emphasis on the art of sound and its role in the film industry. This program is easily adaptable to suit 6th, 7th, or 8th grade arts and core standards.

    Fine Arts Standards:

    • VA.6.2PE Discover and articulate how the media forms of the day use art and images to communicate messages and meaning
    • MU.6.6CE Describe roles and skills musicians assume in various cultures and settings.
    • MU.6.4RE Describe ways that music relates to other art forms using appropriate terminology.

    Ohio English Language Standards:

    • SL.6.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.


    Foley Artist, improvise, entertainment, experiment, storyboard, film score

    01 Mar 2021

    Farm to Market: Mrs. Nippert’s Marinara


    Join us as we follow the journey of food, from the field to the consumer.  Help us figure out how we can make this season’s harvest profitable! 

    Ohio Math Standards:

    • 6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
    • 6.EE.9 Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that change in relationship to one another; write an equation to express one quantity, thought of as the dependent variable, in terms of the other quantity, thought of as the independent variable. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. 

    NGSS Standards:

    • MS-ESS3-4 Earth and Human Activity. Construct an argument supported by evidence for how increases in human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources impact Earth’s systems.

    Ohio Social Studies Standards:

    • Economics – Scarcity: The fundamental questions of economics include what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce.
    • Economics – Markets: The interaction of supply and demand, influenced by competition, helps to determine price in a market. This interaction also determines the quantities of outputs produced and the quantities of productive resources (entrepreneurship, human resources, natural resources and capital) used.
    • Economics – Financial Literacy: When selecting items to buy, individuals can weigh costs and benefits and compare the price and quality of available goods and services.


    farm, product, economics, market, profit, consumer, production, supply and demand