Grade: 3rd

11 Mar 2023

Arts Appreciation Series: Visual Art


Art evokes reactions. Do you ever find yourself liking or disliking a work of art, but you struggle to articulate why? Students will don the hat of “art critic” in this immersive program as we seek to build our art appreciation toolkit. Programs in the Arts Appreciation Series encourage students to practice their communication skills, particularly oral communication, through intentional opportunities for speaking about and engaging with the arts and each other.

All multigrade program offerings will be supported by grade-level appropriate standards, available to share upon request.

Fine Arts Standards:

  • VA.3.1PE Observe and compare similar themes, subject matter and images in artworks from historical and contemporary eras.
  • VA.3.5PR Show increasing attention to the nuances of elements and principles of design when creating personal works of art.
  • VA.3.3RE Compare and contrast their opinions of a work of art with those of their peers.
  • VA.3.1RE Examine and describe how art and design principles are used by artists to create visual effects.

Ohio English Language Arts Standards:

  • ELA.SL.3.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Ohio Social Studies Standards:

  • SS.GS.3.8 Communities may include diverse cultural groups.

Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

  • SEL.C1. 2.b Identify and acknowledge others’ viewpoints, knowing that both sides do not have to agree but can still be respectful


portrait, opinion, art criticism, description, analysis, interpretation, evaluation

01 Mar 2021

Farm Adaptations


Come discover how life around the farm has developed to be better suited to the environment it inhabits.  As farmers, we can use these adaptations as tools to help us be successful.  

Ohio Science Standards:

  • 3.LS.3: Plants and animals have life cycles that are part of their adaptations for survival in their natural environments.

NGSS Standards:

  • 3-LS2-1. Construct an argument that some animals form groups that help members survive.
  • 3-LS3-1. Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence that plants and animals have traits inherited from parents and that variation of these traits exists in a group of similar organisms
  • 3-LS4-2. Use evidence to construct an explanation for how the variations in characteristics among individuals of the same species may provide advantages in surviving, finding mates, and reproducing
  • 3-LS4-3. Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.

Ohio Social Studies Standards:

  • History – Historical Thinking and Skills: Events in local history can be shown on timelines organized by years, decades and centuries.
  • History – Heritage: Local communities change overtime.
  • Geography – Places and Regions: Daily life is influenced by the agriculture, industry and natural resources in different communities.
  • Geography – Humans Systems: Evidence of positive and negative human modification of the environment can be observed in the local community.
  • Geography – Humans Systems: Systems of transportation and communication move people, products and ideas from place to place.


Adaptation, life cycle, group survival, inherited, parent, offspring, trait, characteristic

01 Mar 2021

Pathways in the Arts


Discover all that the Arts can offer through music, theater and/or visual art experiences! Learn how you can continually explore these in your everyday life, and perhaps discover an art form you did not know you enjoyed.

Fine Arts Standards:

  • MUS.3.6CE Identify careers in music including composing, performing and conducting
  • MUS.3.4PR Play a variety of classroom instruments with proper technique.
  • VA.3.5PE Provide examples of how we encounter art and artists in everyday life.
  • TH.3.1PR Create the movement and expressive voice of a character to explain and solve problems encountered by the character.

Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

  • SEL.A2. 1.b Identify personal strengths based on interests and qualities


musician, accompaniment, performance, act, comedy, drama, inspiration, design, medium, career

01 Mar 2021

Movers and Makers


Join the Greenacres Arts Educators on a journey of discovery as we explore how movement allows us to be active participants and creators of the arts. You may even build some confidence along the way!

Fine Arts Standards:

  • DN.3.3PR Learn dances related to the cultures represented in the local community
  • DN.3.4PR Demonstrate kinesthetic awareness, self-direction and safe practices when improvising and performing
  • MU.3.4RE Interpret music through dance, drama and visual art.
  • VA.3.6PR Collaborate with others to create a work of art that addresses an interdisciplinary theme.
  • TH.3.2PR Use voice, movement, and space to communicate a storyline and a character’s thoughts, feelings and ideas.

Ohio Social Studies Standards:

  • SS.3.8 Communities may include diverse cultural groups

Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

  • SEL.C1. 1.b Identify verbal and nonverbal cues representing feelings in others


movement, collaborate, interpret, perform, Laban Theory, Folk Dance