In 2024, the Nippert charitable foundations donated over $5.5 million to various grant recipients. These recipients included non-profits supporting the Greater Cincinnati region, organizations working in the musical arts, and research institutions focused on agro-ecology research.
The L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation awarded a total of $4,041,328 to 68 non-profits, addressing a range of causes such as youth services, recycling programs, hospice care, and more.
The Louise Dieterle Nippert Musical Arts Fund provided $652,520 in grant funding to 20 organizations, as well as their yearly contributions to the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Ballet, Cincinnati Opera, and the May Festival.
Greenacres Foundation distributed $836,412 to support three research projects focused on agro-ecological research: Native Bee Health and Population Dynamics Across Agricultural Landscapes with The Ohio State University, Pecan Silvopasture: Improving Soil Health for Profitable and Resilient Systems with Noble Research Institute, and Effects of Grazing Monoculture Versus Polyculture Pastures on Epigenomic and Metabolomic Traits in US Beef Cattle with Utah State University. For details on these grants, visit:
For more information about the L&L charitable and LDNMAF grants, visit: