Year: 2020

01 Apr 2020

Grass Fed Beef Production Methods – Consumer Implications

Grass Fed Beef Production Methods – Consumer Implications

In 2016 Greenacres partnered with Dr. Jason Rowntree and Michigan State University (MSU) to gain a better understanding of the nutritional quality associated with grass-fed beef.  The results of that partnership was a 3 year study culminating in Greenacres’ first two peer-reviewed manuscripts.  The MSU partnership also led to some interesting and unique findings compared to the existing literature.  Not all beef labeled as “grass-fed” comes with the nutritional halo that one might expect from a grass-fed product.  Grass-fed beef is advertised as a good source of vitamins A and E as well as having a more favorable omega-6 to omega-3 ratio (most often reported as 2:1), compared to grain-fed beef.  However, the data we collected from over 750 grass-fed beef samples sourced from across the U.S. suggest that nutritionally speaking, not all grass-fed products are created equal.  Our findings showed that some grass-fed beef contained untraceable amounts of vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids and had omega-6 to omega-3 ratios in excess of 28:1, almost 3 times the amount one would expect from grain-fed beef.

What was the driver behind these variations?  The answer is not so easy.  The data we collected on production methods were based on an online survey, filled out by producers who submitted samples.  However, not all participants agreed to fill out the survey.  In addition, surveys can be unreliable sources of information.  After analyzing the survey data there were some potential culprits, namely harvested forages (haylage and/or bailage) as well as grain by-products, such as soy hulls. During the “finishing phase” (the period in the last 60-90 days when the cattle convert energy into intramuscular fat) not all grass-fed animals eat grass on pasture.  Some grass-fed protocols allow for producers to use feeds other than fresh grass.  This could include harvested forages that are dried (hay) or fermented (haylage) or other types of roughage.  As long as the cattle do not receive the grain of a plant (e.g. soybean hulls, which are ground up soybean plants but do not include the soybean itself) they can still be marketed as “grass-fed”.   Even when these products were indicated in the surveys, they did not always correlate to nutritional variations.  This left us scratching our heads.

Discovering the drivers of the nutritional quality of grass-fed beef has important implications for both producers and consumers alike.  Producers want to produce a premium product that is desired by consumers and grass-fed beef consumers might count nutritional density as a factor in their purchasing decisions.  Identifying what factors impact the nutritional quality of the product could lead to recommendations for producers to improve their product as well as an increase in consumer acceptance.

To gain a better understanding of the root of the nutritional anomalies, Greenacres is partnering with Dr. Rowntree and MSU for a second time.  This study will be conducted at MSU’s Kellogg Biological Station over the 2020 and 2021 production seasons.  During this study we will be providing different types of “grass-fed” feeding regimens to groups of cattle.  These treatments will include: 100% fresh forages on pasture; fresh forages + hay supplementation; fresh forages + soy hull supplementation; and harvested forages fed in confinement to represent the “feedlot grass-fed” model.  Each treatment will be randomized and replicated to ensure scientific rigor.  The findings will be peer-reviewed and published at the conclusion of the study.

–Chad B.

30 Mar 2020

Responding in a Time of Need

Responding in a Time of Need


March 30, 2020


Nippert Legacy Foundations Donating over $1 Million to Local Organizations Supporting our Community During the COVID-19 Crisis

CINCINNATI, Ohio – Greenacres Foundation and the L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation, legacy foundations of Louis and Louise Nippert, recognize that the Nipperts would always step forward when the community needed them. Due to the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on individuals, families and businesses, Greenacres recognizes this as one of those times of need. In the spirit of the Nipperts, the Foundations’ Trustees are continuing their tradition and making donations to area charities. 

“Coincidentally, Greenacres dedicated 2020 as the first year of “WWTND” — What Would The Nipperts Do? The idea was to engage employees and sharpen our focus on the mission and vision of Louis and Louise Nippert. Little did we know that the year would change so dramatically and that we would really have to think about WWTND in a whole new light.” says Carter F. Randolph, Ph. D., President of the Greenacres Foundation and the L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation.

Organizations were chosen from those that have been directly affected by the shutdowns and whose causes were important to the Nipperts. Not only will the funds be distributed to organizations that have a direct impact on the Greater Cincinnati area, but also Brown County where Greenacres has a new facility. 

“It’s the right thing to do,” says Randolph, who grew up as a neighbor of the Nipperts and whose families were close friends. “The values they taught me have helped guide my decisions on managing these Foundations. When catastrophe strikes, you look out for your community. It’s the Nippert Way.”  

Greenacres Foundation has donated $1 million, while the L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation has donated $150,000. 

Greenacres Foundation is supporting: 

  • Center for Respite Care
  • Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
  • Freestore Foodbank, Inc.
  • La Soupe, Inc.
  • Our Daily Bread
  • Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council of Cincinnati
  • YMCA – Blue Ash
  • Cincinnati Museum Center
  • SPCA
  • Tender Mercies, Inc.
  • Cincinnati Area Senior Services, Inc. (Meals on Wheels)

L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation is supporting:

  • Matthew 25: Ministries
  • Greater Cincinnati Foundation and United Way of Greater Cincinnati for the Greater Cincinnati Regional COVID-19 Response Fund
24 Mar 2020

A Kitchen Concert

A Kitchen Concert

Let’s make instruments out of household items!

With a parent or guardian, go around your house and find items that you can use. This could be old newspapers, flower pots, cardboard boxes, rubber bands, sticks from the yard, brooms, or whatever else sparks your creativity. Now, make unique instruments with that material. Use your imagination! There are many types of instruments, so try to make a variety of sounds. Once everyone has an instrument, work together to make an awesome song! Maybe even record it to share with relatives, friends, and your neighbors here at Greenacres!

For more inspiration, check out:

Trashin the Camp from Tarzan
STOMP Live (this is their full performance, but feel free to skip around and find what you like)

24 Mar 2020

Sit Spot Activity

Sit Spot Activity

Tune in with nature by doing a simple activity called a sit spot. Find a comfortable spot out in your backyard, front yard, park, at a window or a parking lot. A sit spot can be done anywhere! Sit for at least five minutes and observe the natural world around you. Share your nature findings with each other. Nature is everywhere, you just have to look!

Having something to sit on: like a tarp, old cushion or jacket is a nice addition and helps keep everyone clean.

A sit spot is a special time for you and your family to connect with nature in a deep way. During this chaos, it is important to remember to slow down, that nature is healing and that we need nature in our lives. Sit spots are a great way to attain stillness, give space for curiosity, and connect to the world around us.

Begin by allowing each household member to find a place to sit in the yard, porch, park or wherever you choose. Let your children know that this can be their special spot, no one else’s. Try to spread out in the space to limit distractions. Be sure to set boundaries so your kids don’t end up in the neighbor’s yard. And now you simply just sit. No talking between each other. No letting your child show you something. I know this part might be hard, but it is important to be patient. Allow stillness and calmness to flow over you as you sit. Ask your children to make silent observations. These could be things they see, hear, smell or touch. We find it’s best to avoid taste when it comes to observing.

Start your first day with just 5 minutes. I recommend using a timer so you can make your own observations without worrying about the time. After the sit spot time is over, get together and let each person share their experience and tell their sit spot story. This is where the magic happens. Kids will notice infinitesimal things that us adults tend to overlook or have stopped noticing. As each observation is shared, ask guiding questions, such as “What color was the bird?” or “Did this smell a certain way?” or “What did you enjoy most about your sit spot?”

Try to do a sit spot every day for a week. Then gently increase the amount of time each day you do a sit spot. You’ll increase observation skills and curiosity. Kids will begin to look forward to the routine and familiarity. And as a bonus, you’ll also have a few minutes of calm each day to look forward to as well!