Standard: Fine Arts

01 Mar 2021

Self Expression Through the Arts


Spend the day with us to unlock your students’ creativity and artistic spirit! Discover different artistic mediums of expression in music, theatre, and visual arts. This program is all about trying new things!

Fine Arts Standards:

  • MU.5.3RE Describe how the process of learning in music connects to learning in other arts and other subject areas.
  • VA.5.5PE Focus attention on selected artworks to identify and pose questions about aesthetic qualities (e.g., sensory, organizational, emotional) in the works.
  • TH.5.1CE Investigate how past and present drama, theater and storytelling forms of various cultural groups reflect their beliefs and traditions.

Ohio Social Studies Standards:

  • SS.G.5.10 The Western Hemisphere is culturally diverse (e.g., language, food, religion, art, music) due to the influences and interactions of a variety of world cultures.

Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

  • SEL.B1.1.b Demonstrate strategies to express a range of emotions within the expectations of the setting


self-expression, color, culture, performance, aesthetic

01 Mar 2021

Patterns Around Us


Patterns exist in every facet of our lives. Spend time slowing down to discover patterns around the Arts Center that often go unnoticed. We will then use the shapes we uncover to inspire us as we create our own works of art filled with patterns!

Fine Arts Standards:

  • VA.5.1PR Integrate observational and technical skills to strengthen artmaking
  • VA.5.4PR Select and use the elements and principles of art and design to communicate understanding of an interdisciplinary concept

Ohio Math Standards:

  • MP.5.7 Look for and make use of structure.
  • MP.5.8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning


line, shape, pattern, repetition, observation, architecture, stained glass

01 Mar 2021

Improv 101


We all have an inner critic in our minds that tries to bring us down. Through the art of improvisation, we strengthen our inner champion– empowering the ways we can encourage ourselves. Improvisation is rooted in open-mindedness, listening deeply to others, and trusting your own instincts–skills that serve us in every avenue of life. Test out your acting skills and see how easily you can come up with a joke, all while having fun and building confidence with classmates.

Fine Arts Standards:

  • TH.5.4PR Work cooperatively in different roles or jobs within a dramatic and theatrical experience
  • TH.6.1PR Create and perform improvisations and scripted scenes based on personal experience, imagination or heritage.

Ohio English Language Arts Standards:

  • ELA.SL.5.4 Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.

Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

  • SEL.D1.1.b Apply active listening and effective communication skills to increase cooperation and relationships


    improvisation, collaboration, listening, suggestion, motivation, scene, sweep the scene, character

    01 Mar 2021

    Cincinnati’s Stories


    The Greenacres Arts Center shares a glimpse of Cincinnati’s rich and exciting history each season with a different local story. Join us for the day and walk away with pride for Cincinnati’s rich history, culture, and arts! Fall: Louis and Louise Dieterle Nippert, who founded Greenacres and left positive impacts all over the Queen City. Winter: Rookwood Pottery and Greenacres Arts Center’s connection to it. Spring: The history of The Camargo Hunt and Julius Fleischmann Jr., who built and lived in what is now the Arts Center.

     All multigrade program offerings will be supported by grade-level appropriate standards, available to share upon request.

    Fine Arts Standards:

    • VA.4.1PEUse sensory details and descriptive language to identify and describe universal themes, subject matter and ideas expressed across arts disciplines.
    • MU.4.1RE Explain how the elements and subject matter of music connect with disciplines outside the arts.

    Ohio Social Studies Standards:

    • SS.Geo.4.12 People have modified the environment throughout history resulting in both positive and negative consequences in Ohio and the United States.
    • SS.Geo.4.13 The population of the United States has changed over time, becoming more diverse (e.g., racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious). Ohio’s population has become increasingly reflective of the multicultural diversity of the United States.

    Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

    • SEL.C2. 1.b Identify reasons for making positive contributions to the school and community


    historical, context, environment, impact, community, Cincinnati, Rookwood, Fleischmann, Camargo, Nippert