Standard: English Language Arts

01 Mar 2021

Exploring the Senses


Have you ever considered how a color could smell? Or how a sound could move around? At the Arts Center, we are ready to explore the connections between our five senses, the artmaking process, and how one person changed the meaning of “art.”

Fine Arts Standards:

  • MUS.1.4RE Respond to music using movement, dance, drama, or visual art.
  • DN.1.1CR Explore and experiment with locomotor and non-locomotor movements using changes in body shape, time, space, and movement quality.
  • TH.1.3PE Demonstrate various movements, voices, and feelings by performing a variety of familiar roles.
  • VA.1.2CR Explore materials to devise imagery and symbols.

English Language Arts:

  • ELA.SL.1.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.


senses, emotions, synesthesia, Wassily Kandinsky

01 Mar 2021

Fairy Tales, Folklore, and Legends


Embark on an adventure at Greenacres Arts Center to explore different fairy tales, folklore, and legends. This program explores the concepts of telling and retelling a story through the arts, dramatic play, and use of imagination. This program’s content changes in fall, winter, and spring, so you can visit one, two, or three times!

Fine Arts Standards:

  • TH.K.1PE Imitate movements, voices and feelings of people, animals and objects through dramatic play.
  • DN.K.2CR Explore ways to use imagination when engaged in dancing.
  • MUS.K.3CO Investigate concepts shared between music, other art forms, and other subject areas.
  • VA.K.1CO Connect ideas, stories, and personal experiences to works of art.

English Language Arts Standards:

  • ELA.RL.K.3 With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
  • ELA.RI.K.2 With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.

Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

  • SEL.B2. 4.a Discuss obstacles that can get in the way of reaching a goal and ideas for handling those obstacles
  • SEL.D1. 1.a Identify and engage in positive communication skills



      story, character, setting, imagination, quest, obstacle, teamwork

      26 Feb 2021

      Nature Exploration: Journaling


      Give your students the chance to slow down and focus their attention on nature. Students will write, draw and count or measure what they see around them as they visit different ecosystems at Greenacres. This program can be used to inspire creativity and knowledge of the natural world through drawing, writing poems or story telling

      Ohio Science Standards:

      • SWK Grade 6-8: Science is a way of knowing about the world around us based on evidence from experimentation and observations.
      • LS Grade 6: Living systems at all levels of organization demonstrate the complementary nature of structure and function.

      Ohio Language Arts Standards:

      • W.6.3-Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

      Ohio Social Studies Standards:

      • SS Grade 6: Government- Different perspectives on a topic can be obtained from a variety of historic and contemporary sources. Sources can be examined for accuracy.


      observation, exploration, investigation 

      Introduction: CLICK HERE for a poster from a Greenacres educator