Have you ever considered how a color could smell? Or how a sound could move around? At the Arts Center, we are ready to explore the connections between our five senses, the artmaking process, and how one person changed the meaning of “art.”
Fine Arts Standards:
- MUS.1.4RE Respond to music using movement, dance, drama, or visual art.
- DN.1.1CR Explore and experiment with locomotor and non-locomotor movements using changes in body shape, time, space, and movement quality.
- TH.1.3PE Demonstrate various movements, voices, and feelings by performing a variety of familiar roles.
- VA.1.2CR Explore materials to devise imagery and symbols.
English Language Arts:
- ELA.SL.1.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
senses, emotions, synesthesia, Wassily Kandinsky