Standard: English Language Arts

08 Feb 2025

The Sounds of Cinema


Sound is an important part of our everyday lives. Learn about how the art of sound enhances all other art forms and how most forms of media would fall short without it! Spend the day learning the ways of a Foley Artist as we engineer our own sound effects for film.

Fine Arts Standards:

  • MUS.4.3RE Compare and contrast elements of music using developmentally appropriate vocabulary.
  • MUS.4.1CO Discuss the connection between emotion and music in selected musical works using elements of music.
  • MUS.4.3CO Discuss how the elements and subject matter of music connect with other subject areas.
  • VA.4.2CO Explore universal themes expressed across arts disciplines.

Ohio English Language Arts:

  • ELA.SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

    • SEL.E1.1.b Generate possible solutions or responses to a problem or needed decision recognizing that there may be more than one perspective.


    sound effect, composer, film score, storyboard, ambience

    08 Feb 2025

    Arts Center Adventure: The Case of the Missing Artifact


    Something is amiss at Greenacres Arts Center! Learn about the hundred-year-old history of the Arts Center, its hidden treasures, and its original owner, Julius Fleischmann Jr. Put on your detective cap as we find clues, solve riddles, and work together to track down a “missing” artifact! Students will explore some of the Arts Center’s assets, including its Norman-style architecture, its enormous Aeolian Pipe Organ, and collection of artworks.

    Fine Arts Standards:

    • VA.4.3CO Demonstrate empathetic reactions in response to works of art.

    Ohio English Language Arts:

    • ELA.W.4.8 Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information and provide a list of sources.

    Ohio Math Standards:

    • 4.MD.4 Display and interpret data in graphs (picture graphs, bar graphs, and line plots) to solve problems using numbers and operations for this grade.

    Ohio Social Studies Standards:

    • SS.4.2 Primary and secondary sources can be used to create historical narratives.

    Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

    • SEL.A4.2.b Demonstrate confidence in the ability to complete a range of tasks and address challenges while expressing positive attitudes towards self.


    teamwork, history, architecture, artwork, artifact, evidence, clue  

    08 Feb 2025

    Self-Expression and Storytelling


    Artists express themselves by interpreting the world around them. Students will learn about how different artists use the visual and performing arts to tell a story, then they will explore different artistic techniques to develop their own ways to interpret their favorite people, places, and experiences. Students may even build some confidence along the way!

    Fine Arts Standards:

    • DN.3.1CR Improvise and create movements that reflect an understanding of themes from a range of sources, including other content areas.
    • MUS.3.4PE Play a variety of classroom instruments, alone and with others while demonstrating consistently proper techniques.
    • TH.3.2PE Use voice, movement, and space to communicate a storyline and a character’s thoughts, feelings and ideas.
    • VA.3.1RE Compare and contrast personal interpretations of works of art with those of peers.

    English Language Arts Standards:

    • ELA.SL.3.2 Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

    Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

    • SEL.A1.1.b Identify a range of personal emotions.


    story, subject, interpret, pantomime, leitmotif, confidence

    08 Feb 2025

    Create and Critique


    Do you ever find yourself liking or disliking a work of art, but struggle to articulate why? In this program, students will become art historians for the day to explore the elements of visual art and visual analysis.

    Fine Arts Standards:

    • VA.3.3PE Use principles of design to arrange the elements of art.
    • VA.3.1RE Compare and contrast personal interpretations of works of art with those of peers.
    • VA.3.3RE Generate and defend established criteria for determining what is a work of art.
    • VA.3.1CO Understand that the context impacts the creation, interpretation and perception of an artwork.

      Ohio English Language Arts Standards:

      • ELA.SL.3.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

      Ohio Social Studies Standards:

      • SS.3.8 Communities may include diverse cultural groups.

      Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

      • SEL.C1.2.b Identify and acknowledge others’ viewpoints, knowing that both sides do not have to agree but can still be respectful.


        observe, describe, analyze, interpret, opinion