Sound is an important part of our everyday lives. Learn about how the art of sound enhances all other art forms and how most forms of media would fall short without it! Spend the day learning the ways of a Foley Artist as we engineer our own sound effects for film.
Fine Arts Standards:
- MUS.4.3RE Compare and contrast elements of music using developmentally appropriate vocabulary.
- MUS.4.1CO Discuss the connection between emotion and music in selected musical works using elements of music.
- MUS.4.3CO Discuss how the elements and subject matter of music connect with other subject areas.
- VA.4.2CO Explore universal themes expressed across arts disciplines.
Ohio English Language Arts:
- ELA.SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Social and Emotional Learning Standards:
- SEL.E1.1.b Generate possible solutions or responses to a problem or needed decision recognizing that there may be more than one perspective.
sound effect, composer, film score, storyboard, ambience