Grade: Multi Grade

01 Mar 2021

Arts in the Natural World Series: Exploring Natural Materials


Nature provides endless inspiration for expression. Be prepared to get your hands dirty as we experiment with natural materials and our creativity! Programs in the Arts in the Natural World Series seek to demonstrate intersections between the arts and the world around us. This program only operates in warmer months (August-October 31; March 15-June).

All multigrade program offerings will be supported by grade-level appropriate standards, available to share upon request.

Ohio Social Studies Standards:

  • SS.2.8 Cultures develop in unique ways, in part through the influence of the physical environment.

Ohio Science Standards:

  • Sci.2.LS.1 Living things cause changes on Earth.

NGSS Standards:

  • 2-PS1-1 Matter and Its Interactions: Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials by their observable properties.

Social and Emotional Learning Standards:

  • SEL.A4. 2.a Demonstrate confidence in the ability to complete simple tasks and challenges independently, while expressing positive attitudes towards self.


nature, resources, materials, produce, imagination, inspiration

28 Feb 2021

Wildlife Tracking

August – June

In and around Greenacres, animals are busy even when we are not watching. Tracks, scat, and chewed nuts and twigs are examples of signs of animals that allow us to know that an animal has been to a given spot. Students will use evidence of animals we find to piece together the story of all their secret activities.

Ohio Science Standards:

  • LS Grade K: Living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival.
  • LS Grade 1: Living things have basic needs, which are met by obtaining materials from the physical environment.
  • LS Grade 1: Living things survive only in environments that meet their needs.
  • LS Grade 2: Living things cause changes on Earth.
  • LS Grade 3: Individuals of the same kind differ in their traits and sometimes the differences give individuals an advantage in surviving and reproducing.
  • LS Grade 5: All of the processes that take place within organisms require energy.
  • LS Grade 7: Matter is transferred continuously between one organism to another and between organisms and their physical environments.

NGSS Standards:

  • 3-LS2-1. Construct an argument that some animals form groups that help members survive.
  • 3-LS3-1. Analyze and interpret data to provide evidence that plants and animals have traits inherited from parents and that variation of these traits exists in a group of similar organisms
  • 3-LS3-2. Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced by the environment
  • 3.ESS.2: Earth’s resources can be used for energy.


sign, scat, track, evidence, adaptation, survival, habitat

Video Introduction:  CLICK HERE for a tracking video with a Greenacres educator

28 Feb 2021

Survival: Fire or Food or Shelter

August – June

Choose a survival focus area and come for one program or plan to attend the entire series. Join us as we build confidence in primitive living skills.

Shelter:  We will take a cue from the animals who call Greenacres home as we build our shelters.  

Fire:  Learn what it takes to build a fire and then gather around it to share stories. 

Food:  From the fish in our Greenacres’ pond to the forests, learn what the land could provide for you in a survival situation (this will not involve tasting).

Ohio Science Standards:

  • SWK Grade K-2: The world is discovered through exploration.
  • SWK Grade K-2: Exploration leads to observation. Observation leads to questions.
  • SWK Grade K-2: Natural events happen today as they happened in the past.
  • SWK Grade K-2: Events happen in regular patterns and cycles in the natural world.
  • SWK Grade 3-5: Science is a way of knowing about the world around us based on evidence from experimentation and observations.
  • SWK Grade 3-5: Science assumes that objects and events occur in consistent patterns that are understandable through measurement and observation.
  • SIPA Grade 6-8: Apply knowledge of science content to real-world challenges.

NGSS Standards:

  • K-2-ETS1-1. Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.
  • 3-5-ETS1-2. Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
  • MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success. 


awareness, exploration, observation, primitive

Video Introduction:  CLICK HERE for a shelter video with a Greenacres educator

28 Feb 2021

Nature Journaling

August – June

By combining nature exploration with journaling, students will gain a deeper understanding of the observations we make while experiencing nature at Greenacres. Journaling allows us to slow down, take in more of our surroundings, and notice more. This program works well as a series or as an individual field trip.

Ohio Science Standards:

  • SWK Grade K-2: The world is discovered through exploration.
  • SWK Grade K-2: Exploration leads to observation. Observation leads to questions.
  • SWK Grade K-2: Natural events happen today as they happened in the past.
  • SWK Grade K-2: Events happen in regular patterns and cycles in the natural world.
  • K.PS.1: Objects and materials can be sorted and described by their properties.
  • SWK Grade 3-5: Science is a way of knowing about the world around us based on evidence from experimentation and observations.
  • SWK Grade 3-5: Science assumes that objects and events occur in consistent patterns that are understandable through measurement and observation.
  • SWK Grade 6-8: Science is a continual process and the body of scientific knowledge continues to grow and change.

NGSS Standards:

  •  K-2-ETS1-2. Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem.
  • 2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.


observation, inference

Introduction: CLICK HERE for a poster from a Greenacres educator