Protecting the safety of our Animals

Protecting the safety of our Animals

Protecting the safety of our employees and animals has always been a priority at Greenacres. Although we are taking every precaution with our staff, with the current news of a tiger at the Bronx Zoo testing positive for Coronavirus, we need to make sure we do everything to protect our animals to the same standard. It is believed that an asymptomatic zoo employee transmitted the infection and it is confirmed that animals can contract the virus from humans.

In order to ensure animal safety, please remember that Greenacres is CLOSED with the exception of essential employees which includes our animal care personnel and garden personnel.

Our property is beautiful and may be tempting to hike or walk your dog, but we ask that you refrain and keep in mind that it is private property and cannot be treated like a public park. During normal times we appreciate having invited visitors, but for now, we must absolutely limit who is on the property.

We appreciate your help and respect in the matter and look forward to having school groups back soon.

For more information about the tiger and how the disease can potentially spread from humans to animals: