Research Grants

Ecology & Environment

Greenacres Foundation seeks research proposals in the area of ecology and the environment. Greenacres Foundation is based in Cincinnati, Ohio and was established in 1988 with the intent of preserving the land for the education and enjoyment of future generations.  The land includes both farmland and woodlands and Greenacres has since grown to encompass 3 properties: Indian Hill, OH; Lewis Township (Brown County), OH; and Michaela Farm, Oldenburg, IN.

Greenacres Foundation seeks research proposals that address one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Improved understanding of the ecology and conservation of native pollinators
  • Improved practices in woodland restoration and/or preservation
  • Improved invasive species mitigation and management
  • Improved forest ecosystem health
  • Improved practices in prairie establishment and prairie ecosystem health
  • Improved understanding of the ecology of regenerative agriculture systems

Greenacres research grants are intended to support research projects resulting in peer-reviewed scientific journal publications. Publications are required to be open access.

Grant Information

Grant Budget: $50,000 – $200,000
Letter of Intent Opening: anticipated late 2025
Letter of Intent Deadline:

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Eligibility for Funding

Researchers, graduate students, and extension professionals from domestic non-profit (501(c)(3)) organizations are eligible to apply.  Proposals should support the Greenacres Mission:

Greenacres will always reflect the style and grace of founders, Louis and Louise Nippert. Our mission is

 -To preserve for the public an area reflecting the traditional environment of Indian Hill and its historical significance by preserving Greenacres in its current state of woodland and farmland. 

-To preserve the integrity of all land owned and purchased by Greenacres Foundation in order to encourage conservation and appreciation of nature by providing the public, particularly children, opportunities to study plant and animal life in their natural settings.

-To encourage appreciation of music and culture by providing facilities and an atmosphere that will encourage artists to display their talents for all age groups. 

Applicants must have an interest in sharing knowledge about what they learn with land owners and land managers.  Translational research projects that include both researchers and practitioners will be prioritized. Projects are expected to be completed within 48 months of funding date.

How to Apply

This funding opportunity is a two-step process in which applicants will first submit a one-page Letter of Intent (LOI) to Greenacres describing the proposed project.   All letters will be reviewed within 2 weeks of the LOI due date.  For projects receiving additional consideration, applicants will receive a link to complete a detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) due within 6 weeks.

Please verify your grant eligibility status before submitting a one-page Letter of Intent (LOI) through our application form.  The LOI should describe the research question and its significance, the approach that will be used to answer the proposed research question, and an overall budget estimate. Note, indirect costs are not funded by Greenacres and should not be included in overall budget estimate. Greenacres has land available for research projects by request, and applicants should indicate their interest in using Greenacres’ land for the project when submitting their LOI. Preferred browsers for proposal submission are Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

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