Pony Club

FAQ & Resources

New Member Information

These form are handed out at the New Member Informational Night, but you are welcome to review them here at any time. Membership fees are due by October 27th at 7pm for both new and renewing members.

USPC Membership Form

You will need to use the National Membership Form for new and renewing membership
Membership Form

Certification Information

Flow Charts allow you to see side by side the expectations of skills sets and depth of knowledge for each level. Checklists are excellent study tools that allow a member and their instructor that ability to check off skills sets & knowledge that the rider has mastered as well as clearly showing the areas that need work.

There are two kinds of Certifications in Pony Club, Local and National.

USPC Local Certifications: https://www.ponyclub.org/Certifications/LocalLevel/Certifications.aspx

USPC National Certifications: https://www.ponyclub.org/Certifications/NationalLevel/Certifications.aspx

Greenacres Members can certify the following:

D1-C1 Classic (Horse Management, Flat, Stadium Jumping & XC)

C2 Flat/Dressage

HB/HA Horse Management

*Greenacres horses are capped at 2’9″ for schooling & 2’7″ for competitions in an effort to maintain schoolhorse soundness.


  • Greenacres Polo Shirt (tucked in to your breeches)

  • Belt

  • Black gloves

  • Black helmet

  • Tan, grey or white breeches

  • Smooth grain half chaps MATCHING the color of your paddock boots OR Tall Boots

  • Black crop

  • Medical Armband or Medical Bracelet with the required information completed

  • Pony Club Pin (we recommend buying several- they get lost A LOT)

Certifications usually start at 10am and run until 4:30pm depending upon how many members are testing.  Members need to be in the stable by 9am to prepare their horses & stall for the certification.  Members need to plan to stay until all horses are turned out, the barn is cleaned up and the awards ceremony is concluded.  Day sheets are sent out for a more precise schedule the week before the Rating.

  • Printed, participant info section filled in, copy of the Test Sheets for the Certification(s) you will be taking.

  • Come prepared for the test by having read through the test sheets, thoroughly understanding the information you will be being tested on- we strongly encourage getting together with fellow GAPCers for a Mock Certification BEFORE the testing.

  • Your mount and mounts tack should be clean & ready to be presented for inspection- NO DIRT!!  Manes and tails do not need to be braided for the lower level certifications, but they do need to be clean and free of burrs and dandruff (this requires you to care for the manes/tails in the weeks leading up to the certification, NOT just the day before.

  • Mounts should have nose, eyes, ears and docks wiped clean with the proper sponges.

  • Jog outs are performed in bridles with the member wearing a helmet and carrying a whip.  Jog outs should be practiced on a regular basis throughout the year.

Test Sheets

Use the link below to find the most updated USPC local level Test Sheets.
Pony Club Study Materials

Study Pages

Former Greenacres Equine Members have put together these helpful study guides.
Member Study Materials

Quiz Rally Information

The competition itself is one day, but due to the long drive, Greenacres leaves on Friday afternoon around 4pm and returns Sunday.  The competition day is VERY long!  Competitors must be in the competition area by 9am and usually compete until at least 5pm.  A banquet dinner is held for the competitors after the competition with awards immediately following dinner.  A super fun dance is then held from 8pm-11pm.  Parents attending all help chaperone this dance.  Parents attending sign-up for jobs throughout the day to help run this competition (see Volunteer Job Descriptions to see what you might like to do at this event).  I encourage all parents to bring reading/work material as there will be much down time for the volunteers throughout the day.

The GAPC fundraises from July 1st-June 30th to offset the costs of members participating in regional Rallies.  This fundraising money also helps to pay for travel/hotel expenses for the chaperones that are needed at these events.  GAPC reimburses chaperones (only) for the following: 1/2 hotel expense per night (with receipt) and mileage to/from event.

Yes.  You will need to inform Jessy of your plan to have your own room and you will need to book your room yourself.  GAPC will pay for 1/2 of your room per night (with receipt).  Jessy posts the hotel & address on this site as soon as she books room for the competitors.

Parents/Chaperones are asked to organize breakfast for Saturday & Sunday as the hotel has a cash breakfast that the kids do not like/find to be too expensive.  Chaperones/competitors need to discuss what they would like to bring & who is bringing what items (use the email list provided in the informational emails Jessy sends out to discuss).  In the past, instant oatmeal & PBJ has been popular with the members. Lunch on Saturday is provided for the competitors.  There are many good places offsite for chaperones to eat as well as a restaurant in the  hotel lobby.  Cash should be provided to competitors to purchase dinner on Friday evening on the way down to Bowling Green, breakfast (if they do not want what the group packs in), and lunch on Sunday on the return drive home.

The banquet happens after the competition.  The cost is $15 for the members (our members will all be attending) & $35 for the parents/chaperones.  The banquet happens BEFORE the awards ceremony & parents/chaperones (only) can “opt-out” of the banquet and just come to the awards ceremony.  Only people with a banquet ticket will be allowed into the banquet/awards hall during the dinner hours.  Jessy has to attend a Regional Council meeting between the end of the competition and the start of the banquet.  It is the responsibility of the chaperones to get the members to the banquet on time and stay in the building until Jessy arrives.  Once Jessy is there, parents who have decided to opt out of the banquet may leave to get dinner offsite.  Parents/chaperones must inform Jessy when confirming member participation in Quiz that the parent/chaperone is choosing to opt out of the banquet- default will be Jessy signing chaperones up for the banquet.

Here is a general check list of what your pony clubber should bring.

Quiz Rally Packing List
Parent Volunteer Positions

Review these to see what you might like to do at the event.
See Positions

Quiz Rally Schedules

Get a general idea of how the day progresses.

Study Pages
For C, D, and HB/HA study materials.
Study Pages

Mega Rally Information

Teams of 4 riders + one Stable Manager will have a drop score.  A team of three riders & a Stable Manager will have no drop score.  No team can compete without a Stable Manager.

The show is three days long.  These days are VERY long!  Competitors must be in the stable by 6am and are not dismissed from the stable until 6pm, when they need to go walk the showjumping and/or the xc courses with their coach.  No non-competitors are permitted in the stable areas for the duration of the competition.  But, like all shows, the take a “village” to put on- parents are DESPERATELY needed to open/close gates to the arenas, scribe for judges, jump crew, jump monitor and pickup/deliver food/beverages for the teams (June is HOT!!!).  The competitors and parent volunteers stay in Georgetown (generally at the Hampton Inn) two exits north of the Horse Park (about 15min away).  Please be sure to sign-up for volunteer positions on the Sign-Up Genius provided.

The GAPC fundraises from July 1st-June 30th to offset the costs of members participating in regional Rallies.  This fundraising money also helps to pay for travel/hotel expenses for the chaperones that are needed at these events.  GAPC reimburses chaperones (only) for the following: 1/2 hotel expense per night (with receipt) and mileage to/from event.

Yes.  You will need to inform Jessy of your plan to have your own room and you will need to book your room yourself.  GAPC will pay for 1/2 of your room per night (with receipt).  Jessy posts the hotel & address on this site as soon as she books room for the competitors.

Parents/Chaperones are responsible for organizing all food/beverages for Rally (there is a “Foodie Parent” binder located oin the indoor classroom for help on this).  Chaperones/competitors need to discuss what they would like to bring & who is bringing what items (use the email list provided in the informational emails Jessy sends out to discuss).  In the past, instant oatmeal (breakfast) & PBJ (snack) has been popular with the members.

Parent Volunteer Positions

Review these to see what you might like to do at the event.
See Positions

Stall Card Template
Use this template to create your stall card.
Stall Card Template

Off-Site Shows Dates & Forms

There are many fees associated with showing, including: stall fees, shavings fees, entry fees & specific to level competitor fees (found on the entry forms for each show), trainer fees, hauling fees, hotel fees (shared by competitors- including hotel for Jessy), etc.  Please work with your competitor to discuss ALL fees for each show before making a decision to participate. Most overnight shows will run $400+ per competitor.

Some example of fees during shows:

  • Stall Fees – $25 – $50
  • Shavings Fees – $20 – $50
  • Trainer Fees – $35 per day per rider
2019 Show List
For a complete list of off-site shows.
Show List
Show Entry Procedure
Use this as a checklist before entering an off-site show.
Entry Procedure

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