Join The Ohio State University Extension of Butler County at Greenacres for a Spring Ewe/Lamb Workshop and lunch. Registration is free however, we ask that you RSVP by March 15th.
This workshop is for sheep and small ruminant livestock producers to prepare for Spring lambing season and starting the grazing season. The workshop will focus on Gestation Nutrition, Preparing Lambing Facilities, Dealing with Lambing Issues, and a Pasture Walk.
Speakers Include:
Alejandro E. Relling, Associate Professor, Animal Sciences, OSU
Braden J. Campbell, Ph.D., Small Ruminant Extension Specialist, OSU Extension
Jacci Smith, Extension Educator, ANR, OSUE. Delaware CO.
Christine Gelley, Extension Educator, ANR, OSUE, Noble CO.
Michael Cox, Greenacres Foundation.